Natural Oils

Turn your Dry Hair into Shiny, Glossy and Frizz Free Hair

Frizz free hair

Your hair will seem dry, damaged, and dull whenever you’ll touch them, and winters even worsen the problem. However, having dry hair doesn’t signify that you have a major health issue or that there is something wrong with your hair that cannot be treated now.


The most common signs that warn you about your damaged hair are:

  • White nodules on your hair shaft
  • Split ends
  • Rough hair texture
  • Trouble brushing your hair or styling it out
  • Frequent hair twists and knots
  • Breakage of hair
  • Excessive dry hair


Heat styling, moisture, sun damage, alcoholism, and so many other factors can lead to dry and damaged hair. Fortunately, there are a couple of things you can opt for to decrease the dryness of your hair and improve your hair quality. However, the ideal thing to do before applying anything to your hair is to first identify the causes of your hair dryness and then seek appropriate remedies.

Few most common things which can cause damage to your hair are:

Using heat to style your hair

While hair styling tools like straighteners and curling irons can be a game-changer for your hair they can similarly dry out your hair and alter the composition of your hair proteins. They can damage your hair to an extent where you will feel like chopping your hair off, and you won’t get any other solution.

Excessive use of blow dryers

Too much blow-drying on the hair produces dryness issues. This may produce dandruff by drying out the scalp’s skin. Hair texture might also be harmed. Excessive usage of blow dryers might result in hair loss.

Environmental conditions

Extreme cold or hot climatic conditions can cause dandruff, itching, and flaky scalp.  Smoke and dust particles in the air might land on the scalp and create these side effects.

Home care

It’s never too late to develop a healthy-hair regimen, recognize some of your own hair-damaging behaviors. Some of which include frequent hair washes, usage of harsh chemicals, too much blow-drying, over usage of straighteners or curling irons, using harsh shampoos.

Dyeing and other chemical hair treatments

Hair coloring products include toxic chemicals which decolorize melanin when applied directly to the scalp, whether you color your hair at home or in the salon.


It reduces blood flow, perhaps your hair follicles are denied of the oxygen and nutrients they need to grow healthy. However, if you stop smoking, you may be able to avoid the aging process of your scalp and dial back the course of hair harm caused because of smoking.

Irregular eating habits

By limiting your calorie intake and mostly eating junk foods, you are depriving yourself of essential nutrients, like protein, zinc, iron, fatty acids, and biotin. Hair loss or thin, brittle hair is directly related to these inadequacies.



 Shampoo eliminates dust and grease from your hair, but it also reduces the presence of sebum. Sebum is the natural oil that makes your hair manageable to keep up with and, when you have it in sufficient quantities, your hair becomes lustrous. Excessive sebum production results in greasy hair. Also know your hair type and choose right shampoo. Reduce your shampooing to two to three times per week to allow your hair to absorb those healthy oils.


 It’s time to put down your hair dryers and let it dry on its own. Blowing hot air will not allow your hair to become healthy. While a blow out may make your hair appear lustrous, the heat is actually highly harmful and after some time will cause breakage and split ends.


The hot water you use to rinse your body while taking a shower, could be hurting your hair. Cold water showers offer various advantages; one of them is that they may help hair grow quicker. After shampooing and conditioning your hair in the shower, rinse it under cool water for two to three minutes to revive strands and freshen your scalp.


carrier oils
carrier oils


 When compared to the rest of the hair, the hair around the tips might seem a lot drier. Get a haircut to get rid of split ends and frizzy hair. Trimming your hair on a regular basis keeps it healthy and adds volume. Your old, brittle hair will be replaced by stunning new growth within a few months.


Spending too much time in the sun without protection might cause your hair to burn. It’s essential to protect your hair, similarly as you would your skin, by covering it with hats, shawls, and scarf when you realize you’ll be in direct sunlight for a quite long time.


It is simple to use home treatments for dry hair, and there is absolutely no risk to you. But you can also try hair serum, keratin oil conditioners, apple cider vinegar conditioner, bhringraj oil, clay based shampoo, natural oil, deep nourishing masks, hair milk, organic hair tonic, protein shampoo, and so much more.

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